
Showing posts from June, 2022

Gaming has gone all bad in 2022?

A case of Old man shouts at cloud ... gaming?  Maybe. But no. I don't even know what cloud gaming is. Is it the NFT's or something?  (Below statement ideally to be screamed into the wind from a snowy mountain top in a thunderstorm)  GAH! THEY DON'T MAKE GAMES FOR  (ME OR PEOPLE LIKE ME...)  ANYMORE ....  insert a real / or make up a characteristic of your choice (if you're feeling that way) in the brackets above. The statement, in my specific case, would include that i am a dude of a certain age. I was around in the 1980's the first time that decade happened (not the washed out ghostly version of the 1980's that's been around for the last 5-10 years) I'm talking  the  real 1980's!   Milk snatching, AIDS and the threat of imminent nuclear death people...scary sh*t. Hasselhoff. Bless you, that's one hell of a cold you have there. Dad joke. In short, I have been on this planet 47 years thus far, the last 10 of those in my current stinking bloated fo